Gluten-Free Desserts
Visit our bakery for more Gluten-Free dessert, lunch and dinner choices. Look for the little symbol in the Bakery case and in our online shop.

Large meringues layered with a spread of refreshing raspberry, real organic vanilla bean whip cream, mother natures strawberries. Four 8” meringues with the wonderful spread in each layer.

Almond macaroon cookie with soft baked Meringue dipped in rich dark chocolate.

A refreshing summer treat!
The cake layer is a sheet of marzipan merinque,
with a spread of raspberry, organic whip cream, and fresh strawberries.
Gluten-Free and delicious!

Our homemade vanilla applesauce mixed with slices of apples, all baked in a form, then after decorated with slices of apples and apricot glaze on top. 8” cake.
(Bondepige med Slør) is the Danish name (Farmer girl with veil) comes from a region of northern part of Jylland…..(part of Danmark).

Gluten-free cake (8″), soaked in Grand Marnier Syrup, with a spread of raspberry, Bavarian cream, in two layers, chocolate Ganache, decorated with butter cream rosebuds.

Almond macaroon cookie, topped with unsweetened organic whipping cream, dipped in hazelnut chocolate.

Made of the purest marzipan rolled in almonds and roasted lightly in the oven.
The ends are then dipped in sumptuous dark chocolate.

Pure marzipan all the way through,
baked and lightly drizzled with frosting.

Gluten Free. Real quality marzipan, solid all the way through, and hand-dipped in rich chocolate.

Mocha mouse in between and on top of 2 Meringue cookies,
also made with chocolate mousse for our Chocolate Palace version.